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Our Sanctuary is located roughly an hour east of Edmonton, AB in the wild prairies of Amiskwacîwâskahikan. Nestled amongst multiple nature parks & land reserves, providing opportunities for a variety of grounded adventures and healing experiences.
Here, we weave a unique style of sacred horse-human-ship & healing called Kiros Way ~ a Centaurian Artistry.
Surrounded by rolling hills and wetlands, this space is a healing haven consisting of many multidimensional portals - protected & stewarded by unicorns, dragons, fairies, elves, kirins, centaurs, pegasi, wolves, stone beings, & elementals - creating a multiversal universe that supports extraordinary illumination, liberation, & growth.
Our paddock systems are built in accordance with the energy grid of the land, complementing the seasons of the changing winds; set up in a way which encourages frequent & diverse movement, deeply nourishing rest & relaxation, as well as safe & suitable feeding & shelter year-round.
In the winter months, the horses live nestled on the open lowlands & in the trees. In the summer months, the horses explore the rolling sacred hills, residing on the 4,500 ft. long paddock paradise track system. Walking & roaming the land as medicine.
Each paddock system has free-choice full-time access to trees for shade & natural protection, open spaces to run, play, & sun bathe, hills to climb & use as wind break, fresh drinking water, well spread out hay (alleviating stress and resource guarding), pink himalayan mineral salt (loose & brick), kelp, apple cider vinegar tea, enrichment toys, large shelters bedded with straw.... etc
Roaming with happy horses over & through their paradises, is like walking through a Unicorns Garden. It's something of profound beauty & magic.

We call our sacred land "Sanctuary", our barn the "Heart Temple", & our horses "Familiars" all for good reason.
We welcome you to come experience this nourishing alchemy & ancient healing connection for yourself.
with Emily Frost
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